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Search for sustainable resources has been embraced by almost all brands in the last decade. Some made commitments, some established their new brands, some created sub-brands respectful to the earth. We have been seeing a lot of ‘Save the Earth,’ ‘There is no planet B’ slogans all over of us. How happy to see that more and more people are getting interested in this awareness.
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Geçtiğimiz aylarda yeni bir seriye başlamıştık hatırlarsanız. Sürdürülebilirlik, geri kazanım, ileri dönüşüm, sıfır atık gibi değerlerle birçok yeni marka kuruluyor ve çevre etiğine uygun üretilmiş ürünler ortaya koyuyor. Fakat bizim asıl beklediğimiz var olan, tekstil sektörüne yön veren köklü markaların bu etik tarafa geçmeleriydi. Öyle de olmaya başladı.
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The idea of creating a sustainable or ethical wardrobe can seem a little daunting at first; but in order to be in peace with the world we live in, sustainability is the key. We have to adapt sustainable choices in every field of our lives, as the harm that we give to the world is increasing significantly and irreversibly. Fashion is one of the most important parts of our daily lives that we can make a difference by choosing sustainable materials as we spend most of our time thinking about what to wear and where to shop.
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And this time you seriously have to have!
Covid-19 is undeniably the catastrophe of the year. And we are all shaping our lives according to it. The world is slowly getting adapted to the new normal and mask becoming fashionable. If fashion would be an animal it would be chameleon. Now, with its impressive adapting expertise, the fashion industry presents us with the new hip items: The Masks!
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Have you ever wondered how fast fashion may be more damaging to the environment than air traffic has caused. As the researches show us the latest fashion trend isn’t a seasonal color or a must-have style anymore: It’s the concept of sustainable fashion and ethical clothing. Especially today, professional women not only pay attention to the quality of their garments, but also they consider the entire supply chain, production processes, and product afterlife; which means the sustainability of the garment. So we come up with this question: What is sustainability and does it really matter?
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During the quarantine time our fashion definition totally changed. Nobody touched their wardrobe’s fashion pieces. Nowadays all of us are just using sweatsuits, jerseys, more comfortable clothing. Our daily clothing preferences are replacing the occasion and formal workwear.
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Merhaba ayakkabı sever. Son zamanlarda tasarımlarıyla kendisinden bolca bahsettiren “Amina Muaddi” hakkında yazmayı planlıyorum. Hazır mıyız?
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Hayatımızda daha önce yer edinmemiş ve asla kullanmak için bir bahanemiz olmamıştı ama şimdi hayatımızın ayrılmaz bir parçası oldu. Evet, maskeler… Sadece sağlık çalışanların aklımıza geldiği bir koruma örtüsü. Şuan Dünya’da yeteri kadar maske üretilemediğinden insanlar evlerinde kendi maskelerini yaratıyorlar ya da markalar üretip satıyorlar. Şimdi gelin maske dünyasında bilmediğimiz neler oluyor bir göz atalım?