How to dress sustainably in our daily lives?

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The idea of creating a sustainable or ethical wardrobe can seem a little daunting at first; but in order to be in peace with the world we live in, sustainability is the key. We have to adapt sustainable choices in every field of our lives, as the harm that we give to the world is increasing significantly and irreversibly. Fashion is one of the most important parts of our daily lives that we can make a difference by choosing sustainable materials as we spend most of our time thinking about what to wear and where to shop.

There are some simple steps that we need to follow while buying and selecting clothes in order to be more sustainable. First, we need to change our consuming habits. One of the most difficult things about trying to be more sustainable is knowing where to start – and more importantly, where to shop. In this day and age, however, it is much easier than it once was as there are so many brands that operate with a sustainable focus in mind. We all have clothes we bought before and wore one or two times only. Following the #30Wears challenge of Eco Age is a good way to begin being more sustainable. It gives us the idea of choosing the right clothes that we are sure we are going to wear at least 30 times. Livia Firth, the founder of Eco Age tells: “The biggest message is every time you buy something, always think, ‘Will I wear it a minimum of 30 times?’ If the answer is yes, then buy it. But you’d be surprised how many times you say no.” Another way is to wear vintage clothes. There are really good second hand and vintage stores that we can buy clothes. We can shop from these stores and also create our own unique style this way!  Emma Watson previously said “Vintage clothing has a huge role to play in making fashion more sustainable and reducing a global footprint that includes the 132m metric tonnes of coal used yearly through the production of new fibres, dyeing and bleaching of garments and the 6-9 trillion litres of water used by the industry.” Besides trans-seasonal clothes are also essential for sustainable clothing. The time we start to buy clothes that we can wear every season, we will definitely consume less. So, rather than buying seasonal clothes, we should buy trans-seasonal garments such as jeans, coats, T-shirts and dresses that we can wear all year long. Finally, we should not throw out or damaged clothes immediately. First way of having less damaged clothing is to take care of our clothes well so that they will last longer. And, if they are damaged, repairing them and donating them are two ways to contribute to sustainable clothing.

Also, we need to be aware of what we buy. If we shop from the firms that use sustainable materials, our fashion habit would become more conscious. We can follow the accounts that give information on sustainable fashion in order to be informed about which brands are sustainable and which brands are not; or from the social media we can directly communicate with the brands in order to learn their attitude towards sustainability.

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Merve Başkaya

 “Wear clothes that matter”

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