2. Dünya Savaşının ve Pandeminin Kıyafetlere Etkileri

İkinci Dünya Savaşının ve Pandeminin Kıyafetlere Etkileri

Bir seneyi geçkin bir süredir tüm dünya pandemiyle savaşıyoruz ve aşıların bulunup geliştirilmesiyle, aşılama programlarıyla artık pandemiden çıkış sinyallerimizi veriyoruz. Yani en kısa zamanda öyle olmasını umuyorum. Bu konu hakkında düşünürken pandeminin moda dünyasına etkisini, bizim üzerimizdeki etkisini düşündüm. Ve bu düşünce beni tarihi incelemeye yöneltti. Acaba savaş zamanlarında moda nasıl ayakta kalmıştı, neler değişmişti?

Moda tarihini seven birisi olarak hemen 1940 lara gittim. İkinci dünya savaşı..


Fashion For You & Me

Fashion For You & Me

Fashion world is changing for good! Not only it became more inclusive and artistic but also it unlearns many discriminatory ideas and changes its one-sided perspectives. Do you remember the dark times that people had to follow the trends and imitate or fit in what fashion world provides for us? Now fashion world imitates real life; it gets inspired by people and includes people… as it should!


Frankensteins of Closets

Frankensteins of Closets

Sustainability became an important part of our lives. Whether it’s for saving the planet or not wasting money, we tend to buy less items or upcycle our belongings and use them in different ways after they are ripped off or are needed anymore. Thankfully people are getting more and more creative with using their old belongings so recently, it’s not a need that arises from prudence but a need of beauty and fun!


Does Sustainable Fashion Really Matter?

Does Sustainable Fashion Really Matters

Now, you can listen this article from Spotify!


Have you ever wondered how fast fashion may be more damaging to the environment than air traffic has caused. As the researches show us the latest fashion trend isn’t a seasonal color or a must-have style anymore: It’s the concept of sustainable fashion and ethical clothing. Especially today, professional women not only pay attention to the quality of their garments, but also they consider the entire supply chain, production processes, and product afterlife; which means the sustainability of the garment. So we come up with this question: What is sustainability and does it really matter?