Proudly, “Plus” Size!

Proudly Plus Size

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Starting from the mid-20th century, the fashion industry has been presenting young and thin people like it’s the only correct way to exist -especially for women. High fashion clothes were made in smaller sizes and worn by thin models; of course, this affected the ready-to-wear clothing, too. I want to say that ready-to-wear brands have always been nicer and more open to big people but their designs were either basic or not stylish. Most of the big size clothes were out of style, like things my grandma would wear.  This supported the idea that young people are not allowed to be fat and bigger people are not fashionable -or even beautiful- so they can’t wear stylish clothes unless they lose weight. And there were tons of styling tips to “help” big people look thinner. It felt like this industry didn’t even care for them!