Does Sustainable Fashion Really Matter?

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Have you ever wondered how fast fashion may be more damaging to the environment than air traffic has caused. As the researches show us the latest fashion trend isn’t a seasonal color or a must-have style anymore: It’s the concept of sustainable fashion and ethical clothing. Especially today, professional women not only pay attention to the quality of their garments, but also they consider the entire supply chain, production processes, and product afterlife; which means the sustainability of the garment. So we come up with this question: What is sustainability and does it really matter?

We all want to live in a world that is not faced with severe environmental problems. However, with everything we do, we harm the environment a little more. Being an environment cautious human being is more important than ever to reduce the damaging effects and to create a more livable world. So we have to consider that the clothing industry is one of the industries which harms the world. Thus, it can’t be fixed after all of the consequences that human beings have caused. If we ask ourselves the question, “how can we solve this problem”, the answer is sustainable fashion.

There are many significant benefits of sustainable fashion to the environment. Firstly, it saves the natural resources. Using recycled materials to make new clothes decreases the use of natural resources such as; water, cotton, oil and electricity significantly. Another important benefit of using recycled materials is management of waste of the fashion industry. The waste of the fashion industry can be decreased in serious amounts only by using recycled materials. The documentary called “the Plastics” shows how all of the plastic wastes are thrown to the oceans and how brutal it can be to sea life.

Moreover, in order to reduce our carbon footprint more, we need sustainable fashion. Fashion industry is one of the industries that contribute to global warming as most of the clothes are made from fossil fuels and petroleum-based materials, such as; polyester, nylon and acrylic. However, by using natural resources such as organic cotton, linen or recycled materials, the sustainable products reduce the carbon footprint.

Considering all these benefits, we can say that sustainable fashion matters. It helps us to live in a world where we do not harm the environment as much as we do right now. Most of the big brands such as Levi’s, H&M and Polo Ralph Lauren are aware of the serious threat that they cause as well. So, they are transforming their products to a more sustainable way. Sustainable fashion trends show us that brands can make large differences with only small efforts.

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Merve Başkaya

 “Wear clothes that matter”

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